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Stacey Millner-Collins
E-RYT 500
City Yoga, Founder & Director, Columbia, SC
Yoga in Practice, SCETV Host & Executive Producer, nationally released yoga program

Yoga invites you to engage life fully to become skilled at being yourself.
Stacey born a seeker and a bit of a renegade. First coming to the yoga mat in 1994, it was a way to unite a dedicated physical discipline with a spiritual one. Having earned a degree in Art History, she understood the universal experience of Beauty as Joy.


To her, this implied that when we experience something in life that inspires indescribable wonder, awe, delight…be that through art, music, nature, relationships, yoga…we are more connected (yoked) to this precious day, to each other, and to our vital essence: our Bliss.


A yoga mat is a mirror of who we are, and yoga, like life, asks for devoted practice, a quest for integrity, and a healthy dose of self–reflection.


With a history rich with respected teachers, Stacey believes her greatest teacher has been life itself. The deepening of her own practice impelled the spiritual explorer within to undertake a “heroine’s quest” to Nepal in 1996 and, with her young family, to India in 1997 to study where the yoga tradition began.


She learned a lot from those many months of challenging travel, but mostly, she grew into herself and appreciated the power of yoga as a daily practice on and off the mat.


This experience inspired her to pioneer yoga in Columbia, SC by teaching classes for several years in kindergarten rooms, ballet schools, gyms, and church basements until the community grew to such a point that she opened City Yoga in 2003. With further in-depth and rigorous study, she became certified in Anusara Yoga in 2006 (resigned 2012) and, simultaneously, embarked upon the practice and study of philosophy, meditation, and Ayurveda.


In 2017, she produced and hosted the first season of Yoga in Practice for South Carolina Educational Television. This 30-minute show is broadcast in several national markets including NYC, LA, SF, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Tucson, Austin, and several more.
Her classes, workshops, and trainings encourage the inquisitive student to step into their own empowerment through a vigorous practice firmly rooted in the evocative philosophical teachings upon which yoga grew. Over years of teaching she has seen all types of students, bodies, and issues…and has come to appreciate that we ALL wish to be healthy, content, free, and fulfilled.


"My yoga journey helps me to get up when I feel knocked down, to bring clarity to confusion, and to cultivate courage when I feel I have none. I want this and much more for my students no matter where they may be on the path of self-discovery."

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