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Course details

The weekend trainings are held in Cornelius, NC, Charlotte, NC and Columbia, SC. Homestay options with local yogis are available.

We meet on these Saturdays, from 10am to 7pm

and Sundays, from 10am to 6pm.

2020-2021 Dates

SEPT 12-13

The Bindu, Cornelius NC
OCT 3-4

City Yoga, Columbia SC    

OCT 31-NOV 1
Firebird Yoga House, Charlotte NC

NOV 21-22
The Bindu


DEC 12-13
City Yoga

JAN 16-17
Firebird Yoga House

FEB 13-14
City Yoga

MAR 20-21
Firebird Yoga House

APRIL 10-11
City Yoga

Reading List

  • Light on Yoga – B.K.S Iyengar

  • Light on Pranayama – B.K.S Iyengar

  • Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – trans. B.K.S Iyengar

  • Bhagavad Gita – various translations

  • Poised for Grace – Dr. Douglas Brooks (online Kindle Reader App)

  • Hatha Yoga Illustrated – Martin Kirk and Brooke Boon

  • Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing – Dr. Vasant Lad

  • Meditation for the Love of It – Sally Kempton

Non-contact hours/homework requirements:

​You will be expected to complete monthly homework consisting primarily of reading, journal exercises, asana, meditation & pranayama practice, practice teaching, and public class attendance/observation/assisting.


For these non-contact hours expect to spend approximately 4-5 hours a week.


Your homework assignments for the entire program will be distributed during our first weekend gathering.

Program pre-requisites:

Traditionally, yoga was taught by a teacher to student when that student was deemed ready to receive the teachings. We also believe in the importance of this practice. Therefore, we require a minimum of 6 months consistent weekly practice and a strong desire to become a gifted teacher.

Acceptance into the Rasika Yoga School 200-hr Teacher Training Program is based on the approval of your application.

Submit your application here.


Space is limited, so students will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis - don't wait!
We accept checks, cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Please note that tuition does not include accommodations, books or meals.


Earlybird cost of training: $3100

(register before May 15, $500 savings) 

This cost includes the deposit*. Other possible charges for credit card payment are not included.

*$125 Deposit is required with application ($50 non-refundable). To receive Earlybird discount, deposit must be paid by 5/15.

Payment Option 1:
paid in full
(balance due by 6/15/20)

via check - $2975


via credit card - $3090 (includes credit card surcharge fee $115)

Payment Option 2:
pay in 3 installments

First payment due June 15, 2020.


via check - $1000 per installment 


due 6/15/20, 10/15/20, 1/15/21

via credit card - $1040 per installment (includes $40 credit card surcharge per installment)

due 6/15/20, 10/15/20, 1/15/21

Attendance Policy

  • As a student in Rasika Yoga teacher training program, you are expected to be fully committed to the 9-weekend program. Full attendance in the program is required for Yoga Alliance certification and to receive a certificate in this program. It is not recommended or desired that you anticipate missing any weekends or segments.

  • In the case of emergency only, making up missed time will require extra time, money and sometimes travel. Most instructors charge a make up fee of $100/hr.

As a Rasika Yoga teacher trainee, you agree to the following protocol in the event of missing any part of the training:

  • If an emergency requires you miss part of a weekend training, you agree to contact the teacher who taught that segment, within 1 week of the training, to schedule a private session(s). It is highly recommended that the trainee make-up the missed hours prior to the next teacher training weekend. All make ups must be completed by the start of the last weekend of training.

  • If an emergency requires you to miss an entire weekend of training, you may complete the program but will not receive a certificate until you make that weekend up. Yoga Alliance will not certify you until you have successfully completed Rasika Yoga School. Your teachers will advise you what weekend(s) you need to take in future programs to complete your teacher training course. You are required to reapply and pay for the additional future training weekends. You are strongly urged NOT to enroll going into Rasika Yoga School if you know up front you will miss portions of the program. It is costly, and it will most likely never be the same quality of learning as with your original group of peers.

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