Thank you for your interest in Rasika Yoga School.
The directors of this program will review your application and contact you within one week of application regarding your acceptance to Rasika Yoga School.
We ask that you have at least six months of regular weekly yoga classes as a prerequisite of being accepted into this program.
Application process
1. Complete online application.
If you are applying online, please leave time to complete the entire application when you begin the process. You cannot save/return to the form at a later date to complete.
2. $125 deposit due with application.
View Course Details for full pricing information.
Check or credit card.
$50 is non-refundable.
The entire $125 is applied to your tuition once you are accepted into the program.
Checks made out to Rasika Yoga.
Mail check to: Kelley Gardner c/o Rasika Yoga, 22007 Lady Glencirn Court, Cornelius, NC 28031
If paying deposit via credit card, call Mary DeRisi at 301-219-5333.
3. If your primary yoga teacher is someone other than one of the Rasika Yoga School teachers:
Please have your primary teacher send an email confirming that you have taken yoga regularly for at least 6 months. Email:
After reading the above process, submit the following application to begin your journey with Rasika Yoga School.
After submitting, we will review your application and contact you within one week of application with acceptance information.
The basics
Help us put a face with your name!
(Will not be shared/posted.)
Pay in 3 installments
Payment dates:
6/15/2020 • 10/15/2020 • 1/15/2021
By check: $1000 per installment
By credit card: $1040 per installment
(Includes $40 credit card surcharge per installment)
Tuition: $3100 (earlybird until 5/15/20)
After paying $125 deposit, choose option one or two below for completing your tuition payments.
Balance of Full Payment by June 15, 2020
By check: $2975
By credit card: $3090
(includes credit card surcharge fee of $115)
Checks made payable to Rasika Yoga; Mail to Rasika Yogo, c/o Kelley Gardner, 22007 Lady Glencirn Way, Cornelius, NC 28031
Visa, Mastercard & American Express: You will receive and email and call from Mary DeRisi, Rasika Yoga Administrator, within 48 hours of application.
Cancellation policy
We understand that plans occasionally change, and unanticipated circumstances sometimes arise. It is therefore necessary that we have a consistent cancellation policy.
Please read through the three Scenarios before and check the check box to confirm that you have read and understand the policy. Your application is not considered complete until all three checkboxes have been checked.
Cancellation prior to first weekend.
Of your initial $125 deposit, $75 is refundable. Remaining tuition payments are refundable, minus a $200 cancellation fee.
Cancellation after program start date.
Refunds include deductions for the tuition (including initial deposit) for each weekend attended plus a $250 cancellation fee and the following percentage break down: (1) Before second weekend and after above calculations are determined, participant receives 50% refund. (2) Before third weekend and after above calculations are determined, participant receives 40% refund. (3) Before fourth weekend and after above calculations are determined, participant receives 25% refund.
Cancellation prior to the fifth weekend through the end of the program.
No refunds.
More about you
How did you hear about Rasika Yoga School?
What style(s) of yoga have you practiced and how long in each type?
Who is your primary teacher and how often do you practice with this teacher?
Please list physical conditions that may affect your practice.
Do you have any other trainings that are helpful adjuncts to being a yoga teacher?
For instance, physical therapist, pilates instructor, massage therapist, eastern religion/philosophy degree, medicine, acupuncture, other? Additional trainings are not prerequisites, but are helpful to be aware of as we get to know you.
Why do you wish to participate in this particular Teacher Training?
What is your vision of being a yoga instructor? Are there particular populations that you are drawn to working with?
Home stays
We have a limited number of home stay options available to students from out of town. Are you interested in a home stay should you be accepted to this program?
Yes, I'm interested in staying with someone.
If you are a local student applying (local to Columbia or Cornelius/Charlotte), are you interested in hosting a home stay participant from out of town?
Yes, I'm interested in offering my space.
Something went wrong - check to see if any required elements weren't filled out. If the trouble continues, be sure to contact us.
Submission success! Namaste, new friend!